After Tiger Shroff as Spider-Man, Irrfan Khan as Baloo and Varun Dhawan as Captain America, we could have heard Ranveer Singh as the Hindi Deadpool but no such luck. The quirky and fun loving actor was recently offered to lend his voice to the Hindi dub of Ryan Reynolds’ upcoming film, Deadpool 2, but he has let go of the chance.
According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Ranveer was offered the big dubbing role in the film, which he had to back out of due to prior commitments. A source told the daily that the Deadpool team wanted to hire Ranveer for his mannerisms and mischievous spirit. “Ranveer was extremely keen but he just couldn’t make time in his Gully Boy schedule as he is shooting at night every day,” the source said.
Ranveer is currently shooting for Zoya Akhtar’s Gully Boy with Alia Bhatt and will later hop on to Rohit Shetty’s Simbaa with Sara Ali Khan. After the success of his last film, Padmaavat, he is currently one of the busiest actors in Bollywood.
Gully Boy is tentatively scheduled to release later in 2018 while Deadpool will release in May.
Source - Hindustan Times