The quirky posters of Ekta Kapoor's Mental Hai Kya has already piqued the interest among Bollywood enthusiasts, and fans cannot wait to see Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao together once again. But not many know that Kangana wasn't the first choice for the film. Instead, Kareena Kapoor Khan was approached for the film back in 2013.
According to a report in DNA, Kareena was Ekta's first choice for the film. A sourced told the daily, "In 2013, Ekta had pitched the idea to Bebo. She wanted to get Kareena and Emraan Hashmi on board for the film, which was previously titled Badtameez Dil. But it never materialised."
But the film never took off as Kareena didn't give her nod calling it a film too ahead of its time. "Bebo felt that the storyline was way ahead of its time. It was dark and explosive in many ways. It also had several bold scenes and nudity. Kareena politely refused the film and it was put on the back burner," added the source.
And now five years later, Ekta has found her film's protagonist in Kangana. "The team has reworked the story, which has turned out even bolder now. Kangana loved it and agreed to do the film immediately. Ekta feels people are ready for a film like this and Kangana is perfect to play the main role. There's no denying that she's a terrific actress. Her never-give-a-damn attitude echoes with her on-screen character, too."
Well, Kareena's loss turned out to be Kangana's gain. Directed by Prakash Kovelamudi, Mental Hai Kya deals with mental illness and hallucinations.
Source - India Today