Actor and Samajwadi Party MP from UP Jaya Bachchan Could topple Ravindra Kishore Sinha, BJP MP in Rajya Sabha, as the richest parliamentarian.
Sinha, who declared assets worth Rs 800 crore in 2014 when he entered the upper House, has been upstaged by Jaya, who declared assets of Rs 1,000 crore on Friday.
Jaya, who filed her nomination as an SP candidate for the Rajya Sabha polls, had declared assets worth Rs 493 crore in 2012.
According to the affidavit, Jaya and her husband Amitabh have immovable assets worth more than Rs 460 crore, which is more than twice of what they owned in 2012 — Rs 152 crore.
The worth of movable assets too rose from around Rs 343 crore in 2012 to around Rs 540 crore.
Source - Great Andra