Sara Ali Khan stepped in Bollywood opposite Sushant Singh Rajput in Abhishek Kapoor's Kedarnath. The film made the mark at the box office and the actress gained an appreciation for her brilliant acting skills. She later starred opposite Ranveer Singh in Rohit Shetty's directorial Simmba, which went over to become one of the highest grossers of the year. All in all, Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh's daughter have had a humble beginning.
The actress in no time became a fans favourite and one of the most followed millennials on Instagram. With every post, Sara makes sure to turn heads and create a stir on her social media handle. Be it her stunning selfies, gorgeous promotional looks or simply a photo from a day in her life, the beautiful and talented actress keeps her fans hooked.
Sara's recent post took her fans with a surprise. In the photo shared by her, Sara can be seen striking a pose in what looks like her new pad. The actress shared a photo along with the caption 'Here’s to new beginnings!'. By looking at her photo, it looks like Sara moved out of her mother's pad and has moved into one of her own. Take a look at her post here:
Soon after she shared this post, comments like 'are you moving out', 'you've got a new pad' and many others started pouring in.
Well, just a day back another photo of Sara made rounds on the social media where the actress was snapped with her stuff pack and loaded in her car.
Just like her fans, even we are wondering if Sara has got a new pad!
Source- Times Now