On February 24, 2018, Bollywood lost an iconic actress and a family lost a doting wife and a loving mother. Superstar Sridevi passed away due to accidental drowning as she went to attend the wedding of Mohit Marwah and Antara Motiwala in Dubai. After a series of happy photos from the gala affair, the fans were shell shocked to learn about the sudden demise of their favourite actress due to an accidental drowning.
The entire nation was soaked in sadness, along with her entire family. Now, as Sridevi's first death anniversary approaches, the family decided to hold a Puja at the legendary actress' Chennai home. As per the report in DNA last week, her family – daughter Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor along with their father Boney Kapoor (late Sridevi’s husband) will be in Chennai ON February 14)to hold a puja for the late actress. As per ‘tithi’ her death anniversary falls on February 14.
Now we have the photos from the ongoing Puja which is happening in Chennai. The photos started cropping up on the fan pages. In the photos, Boney Kapoor seems emotional as does Anil Kapoor. However, Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor were not snapped at the do. Take a look at the photos here:
Meanwhile, Janhvi has spoken numerous times about their unimaginable loss. The young actress, in particular, had to face the media and answer questions about her mother over and over again while she was promoting her debut film Dhadak with Ishaan Khatter, just months after her mother’s demise.
Source- Times Now