John Abraham will be starring in "Romeo Akbar Walter", directed by Robbie Grewal. John, who is currently shooting for filmmaker Mila Zaveri's "SMJ", on Friday tweeted a photograph of the film's clapboard, reading: "'Romeo Akbar Walter' directed and written by Robbie Grewal. Shooting commences June 1, 2018."
Other details of the film have not been shared.
Earlier actor Sushant Singh Rajput was roped in for the title role in the film, but the makers of the movie mutually parted ways with the actor due to "unavoidable circumstances".
Earlier media reports had suggested that Sushant had "decided to walk out of the thriller".
Leading trade analyst, Taran Adarsh tweeted John's entry and the shooting dates as well. His tweet mentioned that the shoot starts on 1 June and the film will be wrapped up within 60 days.
Revealing that John's looks in the film will be an attraction point, the makers also informed that they have roped in National Award-winning makeup artist Vikram Gaikwad and famous costume designer Amera Pulwani for the espionage thriller, as reported by Mumbai Mirror.
John will start working on RAW as soon as he wraps up Milap Zaveri's thriller in which he will star opposite newcomer Aisha Sharma and alongside Manoj Bajpayee. Also, his long awaited next, Abhishek Sharma's period drama Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran is slated to release on 7 April.
Source-India news