Amitabh Bachchan has fallen ill in Jodhpur where he is currently shooting for Thugs Of Hindostan that is slated to release in November this year. This Aamir Khan film also stars Katrina Kaif and Fatima Sana Shaikh in the lead roles. Reports say that a team of doctors has been rushed to Jodhpur from Mumbai. Last night, while retiring for the day, Amitabh Bachchan in his blog, mentioned that he was not feeling good and needed his team of doctors for a check up.
In his blog, while speaking about the beauty of the city and the hard work behind the shoot, Big B wrote, "I am getting my team of Doctors in tomorrow morning to fiddle around with my body and set me up again .. i will rest and keep informed in process .
5Am Blog ... from rajasthan...Ya .. so .. its 5 am .. the morning after the night that began yesterday .. for work .. some people need to work for a living .. and work hard .. Its been rough .. but when ever did any be achieved without it .. there is struggle and disappointment and pain and sweat and tears .. then the expectation of all working out ..
sometimes it does, most of the times not .. that not is the catalyst .. when they say not, it is the right impetus to say and deliver that it has been successful and achieved .. continuation .. regularity .. perseverance .. good nature, shall all be available in several chapters of the ‘gurus’ that preach such .. but at times the practical leaks through and catches through to the peak .. many a victory has been had by the middle of the road person and temperament .. the class by the middle, the one unexpected .. the one not attentioned to .. they be the deliverer ..
we all are that .. in the largest of percentages .. and proud .. in the darkness of the night .. the aesthetic beauty peers about the premise .. its majesty, abundant pristine and inspiring .. never shall it be truly known what transpired truly within those walls ..
there must be a secret .. a door to wisdom and perhaps the worldly wise .. nothing ever came disguised in incompetence .. it would never be the dignity and reserve of the surroundings .. they are because we made them so..
I am getting my team of Doctors in tomorrow morning to fiddle around with my body and set me up again .. i will rest and keep informed in process ..
Last night, Amitabh returned from the shoot of and he declared this through a tweet. He tweeted, ''and just back from work .. ! बिना मेहनत के कुछ नहीं मिलता the city Jodhpur sleeps .. and so shall I in a while after connecting with the well wishers .. love.''
And this is the latest tweet from Amitabh, "We are very good lawyers for our own mistakes, and very good judges for the mistakes of others "~ PaulC
Editor-In-Chief and Chairman of India TV wished for early recovery of megastar Amitabh and tweeted, ''.@SrBachchan I pray to God for your early recovery. May you regain health soon. The industry needs you.''
Meanwhile, according to the sources of India TV, Amitabh is taking rest and will continue the shoot of Thugs Of Hindostan. As per the reports, Amitabh is currently having night shift of his shoot.
We wish Big B a speedy recovery.
Source - India Today
Source - India Today