anhvi Kapoor made her debut last year. In just a year, the actress has earned much love from the audience. She has a lot of interesting projects lined up. The first one in line is The Kargil Girl. The biopic on airforce pilot Gunjan Saxena, who saved several lives during the Kargil War in 1999 is set to hit the theatres on March 13, 2020. Produced by Dharma Productions and directed by Sharan Sharma, The Kargil Girl’s posters were released today. They give a glimpse of the lead, Janhvi Kapoor and the story of the film.
Out of the three released posters, in the first one Janhvi is shown during her growing years as she dreams about being a pilot. In the second poster, she is seen being applauded by male colleagues around her as she walks with pride being the only girl fighter pilot among them.
While in the third poster she hugs her onscreen father Pankaj Tripathi with a sense of achievement. Take a look at all the posters right here. Janhvi Kapoor surely comes out shining in all of them. We can’t wait for the actor to captivate the audience with her performance in The Kargil Girl.
Source - FilmFare