Actor Esha Deol and husband Bharat Takhtani were blessed with a baby girl on October 23, 2017. Now, after the little one has turned six-months-old, mommy Esha has introduced her to the world with a beautiful photograph. The actor has shared an endearing click of her daughter on Twitter with the caption, “Radhya Takhtani … our darling daughter ๐๐๐ผ❤️ @bharattakhtani3 #radhyatakhtani.”
In the photo, the angelic face is looking straight into the camera with her pretty eyes. The moment Esha shared the photo, the little Radhya was showered with blessings. Tusshar Kapoor and Abhishek Bachchan commented on the photo and gave all their love to the little one.
Esha and Bharat welcomed their first child after five years of marriage. After becoming a proud parent of a beautiful daughter, an elated Bharat had said, “I am very happy. I can’t even express how happy I am today. I think the baby looks like me. When she smiles it seems the world smiles at you. This is a different feeling, which cannot be expressed in words.” Esha’s mother Hema Malini too was excited to be a grandmother for the second time. Her younger daughter Ahana and husband Vaibhav are parents to a baby boy.
The name Radhya was decided by Esha and Bharat even before the little one came into the world. In an official statement, Esha’s team announced the name of her daughter. “This is to officially confirm that Bollywood actress Esha Deol Takhtani and business magnet Bharat Takhtani decided to announce the name of their newborn baby girl. Radhya is derived from Radha, which means to be worshipped,” read the statement.
Esha Deol recently made a comeback with the short film Cakewalk where she played the role of a chef. The film helmed by Hema Malini’s biographer Ram Kamal Mukherjee depicted the professional and personal journey of a woman in our society.
Source - Indian Express