Actor Saif Ali Khan's princess Sara Ali Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Rohit Shetty's Simba opposite Ranveer Singh, was seen in a never before avatar. A video of Sara Ali Khan grooving to famous Bollywood no 'Saat Samundar Paar' has gone viral and you have to see it to believe it!
An Instagram user posted the video of Sara from a wedding reception in which the latter is dancing like there is no tomorrow. The Starkid was dressed in a dazzling white saree and looked every bit gorgeous as she confidently showcased her dancing skills. Sara, who otherwise appears to be demure, was at her coolest best. The girl looks completely Bollywood ready and her confidence reminds us of her step-mother Kareena Kapoor's initial days, Kareena too was as fearless as Sara is and she completely owned the stage whenever she performed.
The video is apparently from fashion designer Sandeep Khosla's niece Saudamini Bhatt's wedding reception. The function was attended by the who's who of Bollywood.
Earlier, Sara was roped in to play the lead in Abhishek Kapoor's Kedarnath opposite Sushant Singh Rajput but due to some unavoidable legal tussle the shooting for the film had stalled midway. However, the issue has been resolved and the shooting of the film has been resumed.But owing to the unexpected delay, the release of the film has been postponed, rumour mills suggest.
Sara-Ranveer starrer is likely to hit the screens on December 28, 2018.
Source - Zee News