Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan is not a stranger to trolling, neither are his smart comebacks. Whether someone targets his daughter Aaradhya Bachchan or wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Abhishek always comes up with the perfect reply. Recently, a Twitter user decided to tag Abhishek in a tweet about life philosophy but little did he know that the Guru star would reply.
“Don’t feel bad about your life. Just remember @juniorbachchan still lives with his parents. Keep hustling everyone!,” wrote @stillyoungest. Abhishek had a proud, prompt reply: “Yes! And it’s the proudest moment for me to be able to be there for them, as they have for me. Try it sometime, you might feel better about yourself.”
Abhishek, along with Aishwarya and Aaradhya, lives with his parents -- Jaya and Amitabh Bachchan -- at their home, Jalsa.
When someone asked Abhishek why did he even reply to such a tweet, the actor tweeted, “Sometimes they need to be put in place.”
From shutting down comedian Aditi Mittal when she pointed out that Aishwarya had to marry a tree before tying the knot with Abhishek, to giving a befitting reply to a troll who targeted Bachchan’s daughter, Aaradhya, saying, ‘your dad is a flop actor...’, Abhishek has often replied on the social media platform in a firm and sarcastic tone.
Back in 2005, long before Aishwarya and Abhishek were married, the former Miss World was asked a similar question on David Letterman’s talk show. The host had asked her if she still lives with her parents, to which Aishwarya had famously replied, “It’s fine to live with your parents, because It’s also common in India, we don’t have to take appointments from the parents to meet for dinner.”
On the work front, Abhishek is shooting for Anurag Kashyap’s Manmarziyaan alongside Taapsee Pannu.
Source - Hindustan Times