Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, referred as Bollywood's power couple, were clicked at a plush restaurant in the city. SRK and Gauri have been married for over two decades and have three children - Aryan, Suhana and AbRam.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are known as one of the perfect couples of B-town. They are often seen sharing some quality time with their kids and also with each other. While Gauri is keeping busy with her store and SRK with his films, they often find time to go for outings together. This time, our photographer spotted Gauri Khan and Shah Rukh Khan on a dinner date in Mumbai on Sunday, March 25.
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, referred as Bollywood’s power couple, were clicked at a plush restaurant in the city. SRK and Gauri have been married for over two decades and have three children – Aryan, Suhana and AbRam.
Shah Rukh looked handsome in a denim shirt, whereas Gauri looked stylish in her multi-colored attire.
Recently, taking a break from work, Shah Rukh Khan took his son AbRam out on a vacation. The young Khan, who has always been his father’s favourite partner, from playing video games to going out for a ride, had accompanied him to Europe. All decked up in their winter suits, Shah Rukh and AbRam clicked a selfie which Gauri Khan shared on her Instagram account with the caption, “Snowmen… ⛄ ❤ @iamsrk.” The father-son duo was seen enjoying time in the snow-capped mountains of the picturesque Switzerland.
On the work fount, Gauri Khan recently won her first award for interior designing and dedicated it to Shah Rukh Khan. SRK is busy with his upcoming film Zero being directed by Aanand L Rai, and co-starring Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif.
Source - Indian Express