Pictures from Manmarziyan, the new film by director Anurag Kashyap, which is the film comeback of Abhishek Bachchan after a two-year gap, were shared online on Wednesday. The new photos give us our first good look at Abhishek, Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal’s characters in the film.
Fan clubs posted the images on social media. Abhishek can be seen wearing a turban. He has a stern expression on his face. Taapsee and Vicky, meanwhile, look like the perfect young Punjabi couple, with Vicky even sporting a new hairstyle and a Jim Morrison T-shirt. Vicky previously worked with Anurag on Raman Raghav 2.0, in which he played a drug-addled cop.
In early March, Abhishek tweeted about returning to face the camera after two years. He was last seen in 2016’s Housefull 3. Abhishek, who has started shooting in Punjab for the film, also posted an Instagram video of the film’s crew having a meal at a dhaba, where they were surrounded by excited fans.
The cast and crew has been sharing frequent updates from the sets of the Punjab-set romantic drama - from Anurag’s workouts with Taapsee to visits to the Golden Temple.
Manmarziyan is co-produced by Aanand L Rai. Taapsee in an interview to IANS had said the film “is a beautiful mix of the different worlds of filmmakers Aanand L Rai and Anurag Kashyap.” This will be the first time that Abhishek will be collaborating with Taapsee and Vicky for a project.
Source - Hindustan Times