Hours after Janhvi Kapoor announced that Madhuri Dixit is all set step into her mother Sridevi’s shoes for Abhishek Varman’s next, producer Karan Johar issued a clarification that the film is not titled Shiddat. “Some clarifications!!! Yes...we are honoured and humbled to have @MadhuriDixit on board for @abhivarman ‘s next! NO the film is NOT titled SHIDHAT! Yes the film will Commence shoot in mid April! The films final cast and credits will be announced soon!”Karan Johar tweeted.
Janhvi had announced that Madhuri will replace Sridevi but did not mention the film’s title. “Abhishek Varman’s next film was very close to mom’s heart ...Dad, Khushi and I are thankful to Madhuriji for now being a part of this beautiful film...” Janhvi wrote on Instagram and posted a picture of the two actresses from the sets of a dance reality show.
Sridevi was supposed to work with Sanjay Dutt, Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, and Aditya Roy Kapur in the film. It would have brought her back with her Gumraah co-star after almost 25 years. Sridevi passed away last month in Dubai; her cause of death has been cited as “accidental drowning”.
Janhvi will make her debut in Dhadak that is also being made by the same production house.
Source-Hindustan times