After Lovely Sasan got engaged to Koushik Krishnamurthy, another Ishqbaaz actor Kunal Jaisingh has exchanged rings with girlfriend Bharati Kumar. He broke the news on social media by sharing the picture with his would-be-wife. Both of them are looking the match made in heaven. The actor’s friends congratulated the couple. Well, this news can break hearts of many girls as the handsome hunk enjoys huge fan following. Have a look at the pics.
Jai took to social networking site Instagram and shared the picture. He captioned it as, “Hellooooooo fiancé!! #newbeginnings.”
The lady looked drop dead gorgeous in yellow dress where Kunal complimented her vey well. Both of them were all smiles and can be seen lost in each other’s eyes.
Kunal and Bharti met on the sets of The Buddy Project and fell in love but whenever asked they have always maintained a dignified silence over their relationship. Now, we are waiting to see both of them to tie the knot soon.
It is raining weddings this year. Lately, Shakti actress Rubina Dilaik announced that she is going to tie the knot with her long time beau Abhinav Shukla in June.
Now, we can just wait for the dreamy pics from the weddings of the celebrity stars.