Akshay Khanna’s wife Twinkle has recently emerged as a quirky and incisive columnist with her own take on current events. She is even ready to publish her first book titled Mrs. Funnybones and the launch event will be a star studded affair. Besides hubby Akshay Kumar, Aamir Khan and Karan Johar will also be attending the event. What’s more, we hear that Karan who has always wanted to grill Twinkle Khanna on his show will do so at the book launch event. Accompanying Twinkle will be her Mela co-star Aamir Khan!
Twinkle Khanna is one of the few actresses who has yet to grace Karan’s show Koffee With Karan. Speaking about it Karan said, “She has never been on my show. She always declined, saying that if she came, she would talk rubbish and get into trouble. But she has done exactly that in her columns and succeeded. I have always known this aspect of her that people have discovered now. Tina has a mad side to her personality and she is hysterical. She also has a great take on slice-of- life. No wonder her columns are loved and adored. So when I heard that she was launching her book, I said, ‘Listen I have to do this. It is a grand coup. She agreed and I am looking forward to my rapid-fire round with her. No, I have not shown her the questions. She told me: ask me anything. And now I am worried about what she will say because she is totally uncensored when it comes to speaking her mind. I also have other tricks and surprises up my sleeve. I am really looking forward to this because we have a great chemistry as friends.”
It will be rather interesting to see what kind of questions KJo throws her way. And now that we have met the quirkier side of Twinkle through her column we feel she will prove to be a worthy opponent for our wily host.
Source - films of india